by Sanya Arora | Feb 2, 2022 | Courses, Workshops & Competitions, Student Experiences
Sanya AroraYet another Lawyer who happens to indulge in the gratification of reading and writing the Language of Law. Yet another Lawyer who is trying to be better than...
by Sanya Arora | Feb 2, 2022 | Courses, Workshops & Competitions, Student Experiences
Sanya AroraYet another Lawyer who happens to indulge in the gratification of reading and writing the Language of Law. Yet another Lawyer who is trying to be better than...
by Sanya Arora | Jan 16, 2022 | Courses, Workshops & Competitions
Dealing with Trademark Objections Lawchakra’s 1st Moot TM Registry Contest IP Awareness Series Part I About the Workshop As lawyers, we know that our arguments must be top-notch in traditional (now virtual) courtrooms. But, did you know that you’re not just required...