Legal Drafting

What can we do for you?
Legal Notice
A well drafted legal notice in all kinds of cases coming from an advocate can actually save you decades of litigation. It is sent by your advocate on your behalf. It clearly lists out the liabilities of the recipient and gives them a deadline to make good before you proceed to litigate
Non-Disclosure Agreements
Important legal framework used to protect sensitive and confidential information
Employment Agreements
They spell out the rules, rights and responsibilities for both the employer and the employee
Collaboration Agreement
They are between different parties that want to co-operate together or work collaboratively on a commercial project that sets out how the parties will work together, divides the benefits, responsibilities and obligations created by or for the project between the parties
Rent Agreements or Lease Agreements
They are between the landlord and the tenant specifying the amount of rent, mode of payment, due dates, duration of stay, grounds for eviction etc. One differentiating factor between Rent and Lease Agreement is that the former is for a short term and the latter is for a long term.
Course Development Agreements
This is entered into between a course developer and an e-learning platform or university specifying the terms for development, revenue sharing, copyrights, duration etc.
License Agreements
This spells out the rights, duties, restrictions for one party getting the license to use something that belongs to the other party. These are common in Trademarks, copyrights.
Mortgage Deed
A document that contains all details concerning the loan given including the parties involved, details of the property kept as collateral, loan amount, interest rate etc.
Franchisee Agreement
This document spells out the expectations, obligations, permissions and restrictions for operating the franchise
Trademark Coexistence Agreement
This is an agreement between parties to use a similar trademark for marketing purposes without interfering in each other’s enterprises.
Joint Venture Agreements
A legal document where two or more entities combine to do business or undertake an economic activity together. The parties agree to create a new entity by contributing equity and share the revenues, expenses and control of the enterprise in the proportion of their capital contribution.
Shareholder Agreements
The agreement safeguards the rights and obligations of the majority and minority shareholders, and it ensures all shareholders are treated fairly.
Sale Agreement & Sale Deed
Once the buyer and the seller reach an understanding to enter into a property transaction, they draft an agreement, which puts in place the terms and conditions based on which the transaction would take place. This document is known as a sale agreement or agreement to sell. A sale deed is a legal document that proves that the seller has transferred the absolute ownership of the property to the purchaser.
Service Level Agreement
A service-level agreement is a commitment between a service provider and a client. Particular aspects of the service – quality, availability, responsibilities – are agreed upon between the service provider and the service user.
Consultancy Agreement
A consultancy agreement is required when the company appoints an external consultant. The consultancy agreement is made between the company and consultant. It outlines the scope of work to be performed by them and other terms and conditions related to their appointment in the company.
Terms and Conditions/ User Agreement & Privacy Policy for Websites
These are extremely important to disclaim any untoward liability for any data breach, the content and advise, and protect your copyright.
Anti-Sexual Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy
Workplaces are mandated to have these policies under the POSH law, to ensure protection of the employee as well as the employer, these have to be drafted very well.
Wills & Codicils
The legal instruments that permit a person, the testator, to make decisions on how his estate will be managed and distributed after his death.
Pre-nuptial Agreement
It is a contract between two individuals about to get married, outlining the state of finances and personal liabilities if the marriage fails
Grant Agreement
An agreement between the Company/NGO/NPO/Business Entity and a Participant that sets forth the terms, conditions and limitations applicable to a Grant.
These help you disclaim liability for social media handles, websites, posts, videos, shows.